The District of Sarhua Ayacucho Peru was created by law 1306 of 11-14-1910, 6 communities correspond to its jurisdiction, Sarhua, Auquilla, Chuquihuarcaya, Tomanga, Aparo, San Antonio de Quechua.
The capital is located at 2,955 m.s.m. between the coordinates: 13º, 40', 02″ south latitude and 74º, 17', 03″ west longitude.
It is submerged between the hills: Puka – Puka Urqo – Apu – Urqo – Poqori, Sayri, Millqa. The Qaracha-Sarhua river passes below.
The wonderful place Town of Sarhua This town, capital of the district of the same name, was elevated to the category of Villa with the territorial law 12156 of November 19, 1954.
It has a 16th century pioneer architecture church in a Renaissance style that was recently recognized by the INC as a social heritage of the nation.
The route, from memory and knowledge, is nourished by the achievements and urgent needs of the people. A communal library has been created, where the alliance between the municipality and the Ministry of Culture has achieved an adequate space for children to read.
The artisan workshops, such as Porfirio Ramos, are attractive and provide a lot of learning. They are located in traditional streets and receive groups of travelers on weekends, who have as their goal the tourist attraction Campanayuq, the valley of the waterfalls.
Porfirio Ramos
At the entrance to the town is the Interpretation Center, which is in the process of being implemented, but it is already a meeting point for children who continue to learn about their culture and tradition.
The Pichus Chaka was for many decades a means of communication and transportation and for this reason, its cultural importance and historical value stands out, since the inhabitants of communities such as Huancasancos, Carapo, Taulli, Patara, Huamanquiquia, Uchu, Auquilla, Huarcaya, Pomabamba traveled , Chuschi, Cancha Cancha, Sarhua, among others.
Today, the people who rebuild the bridge preserve almost all of the traditional clothing, which consists of a hat, a multicolored poncho (Moro poncho) and skirts. This, added to the painted tables of Sarhua, which have been considered cultural heritage of the nation since 2018, and the music of Chimaycha, make this space an attractive place for tourism.
The Chaka Chutay Festival began on February 18 and Sunday 20, on the Pampas River, when the two participating ayllus joined forces to achieve the objective.
It should be noted that this festival has been a beneficiary of the Economic Stimulus Project Contest for Festivals, Festivities and Arts Fairs 2020 of the Ministry of Culture, which has allowed it to be carried out after six years.
This event, which included the participation of the Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Industries, Sonaly Tuesta, has as its purpose the recovery of ancestral technology and, above all, its tourist promotion, which is added to the multiple cultural potentialities existing in the district.
"This is important because we are present as a ministry in the face of a specific demand, but it is also necessary to articulate and ensure that this recovery of wisdom is integrated into a cultural offer for the people that reactivates the family economy," explained Deputy Minister Tuesta.
The Pichus Chaka is the only suspension bridge in the country made from pichus, in addition to continuing to maintain the ancient and ancient knowledge that has been transmitted since the Pre-Inca, the Inca, the Viceroyalty and during the Republic. Sarhua: rural and nature tourism
The District of Sarhua Ayacucho Peru was created by law 1306 of 11-14-1910, 6 communities correspond to its jurisdiction, Sarhua, Auquilla, Chuquihuarcaya, Tomanga, Aparo, San Antonio de Quechua.
The capital is located at 2,955 m.s.m. between the coordinates: 13º, 40', 02″ south latitude and 74º, 17', 03″ west longitude.
It is submerged between the hills: Puka – Puka Urqo – Apu – Urqo – Poqori, Sayri, Millqa. The Qaracha-Sarhua river passes below.
The wonderful place Town of Sarhua This town, capital of the district of the same name, was elevated to the category of Villa with the territorial law 12156 of November 19, 1954.
It has a 16th century pioneer architecture church in a Renaissance style that was recently recognized by the INC as a social heritage of the nation.
Sarhua, is a district of the Province of Fajardo Ayacucho, in its jurisdiction we find the beautiful waterfalls of Campanayuq or Cascades of Sarhua, it is approximately 4 hours from the city of Huamanga.
Cascadas de Sarhua, are innumerable waterfalls that form along the Campanyuq Valley until reaching the hot springs.
This tourist destination is located southwest of Sarhua, a district of Fajardo, known as the cradle of handicrafts and a bastion of Andean culture resistance, which, despite the passage of time, continues to maintain its cultural identity, traditions and customs. .
The District Municipality of Sarhua, led by its mayor Juan Pablo Quichua Baldeón, through the area of Culture, Tourism and Crafts, announced the reopening of this wonderful destination after the reaffirmation of the carriageway carried out during these months in order to provide greater security in access to visitors.
The locals comment that the name of Campanayuq comes from a sound emitted by a rock formation. It is said that inside a cave in the area there is a rectangular stone that, when crushed with another stone, sounds like a bell.
On the way to the majestic destination, visitors will be able to appreciate the green mantle that covers the road to this valley and, upon arrival, they will be able to observe natural formations of pools and waterfalls after waterfalls that form along the way.
In addition, from the top, you can have a panoramic view of the color of the waters, the geological formations in the form of aquatic platforms surrounded by forests.
In the place, visitors can also find other attractions such as: the forest of native plants of Qinwa, in the place called Qinwa Wayqu and the cave painting of Capillayuq.
Likewise, they will be able to enjoy a hot water outlet known as the Muncha hot springs, which, later, joins with cold water and forms the Campanayuq waterfalls.
To visit Campanayuq, citizens must carry a compulsory vaccination card and DNI to register the statistical control of tourists. Likewise, it is mandatory to request the service of a local Sarhua guide or counselor.
Visitors to this paradisiacal place should bring warm clothes, a poncho to cover themselves from the rain, sunscreen, repellent, a hat, sunglasses, walking shoes with cocada, additional clothing for any unforeseen event, a camera, water and food.
Likewise, attendees are recommended to return the waste generated during the walk to protect our environment.
It should be noted that the district of Sarhua receives visitors throughout the year. In addition to these tourist destinations, you can enjoy a variety of cultural events that continue to endure over time. Its music, tradition, history, crafts, gastronomy and others will surprise you.
Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the Inca Trail Tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Perú, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views.