Can you imagine being able to see the tomb of one of the most powerful men in ancient Peru? The intact remains of the Lord of Sipán were found in Huaca Rajada, in Lambayeque, in the largest archaeological find in Peruvian history.
Impressive gold, silver and turquoise ornaments, pectorals and ear rings; the most beautiful ceramics and various finely crafted objects were just the prelude to the greatest discovery: a whole real life ready to be enjoyed in the afterlife.
This historical treasure, and much more, are preserved in the Royal Tombs Museum, a world-class museum.
With the aim of publicizing the value that the Lord of Sipán represents, this archaeological museum was founded in 2002 whose design was inspired by the ancient truncated pyramids of the Mochica culture. With an attendance of more than 200,000 visitors registered every year, this site exhibits the impressive set of more than 2,000 ornaments and clothing found in the ruler's historic mausoleum.
It is located just 20 minutes from the city of Chiclayo and represents one of the main tourist attractions not only in the Lambayeque region, but throughout the country. Don't stop visiting it!
The Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum is a modern building built in the shape of a truncated pyramid of reinforced concrete, inspired by the ancient Moche sanctuaries.
It houses true jewels of art in gold, silver and copper discovered in 13 Mochica tombs. The remains of the Lord of Sipan stand out.
This museum was inaugurated by the then president of the republic, Alejandro Toledo, on November 8, 2002. It is currently an institution of projection to the community, with educational programs, a research center. The museum is directed by the archaeologist Walter Alva, director of the project and who was also the discoverer of said burial in the archaeological zone of Huaca Rajada, in the town of Sipán.
For the management team of the Museum, the challenge of a unitary, complex, exceptional and creative museography was thus posed, addressed under 10 large thematic units:
Each of these units had to deserve a set of sub-themes and thematic guidelines, obviously treated in spaces according to their importance, concepts and museum materials. The alternatives in museographic devices and supports, such as showcases, lighting, graphics, diagrams that are part of the design and assembly of the exhibition, had to be didactic and creative.
Under these guidelines, the technical team was formed to prepare the museographic script and the guidelines for the final assembly project.
The architectural design of the museum is inspired by the truncated pyramids of the Mochica culture. The rooms exhibit the set of ornaments, emblems and clothing used by the Lord of Sipán and the other tombs of Mochica nobility that were discovered in the mausoleum of Huaca Rajada - Sipán.
Among the main emblems of rank and command of the Lord of Sipán, the scepter stands out, an inverted gold pyramid with images that symbolize the military power of the character as the highest authority of his time.
One of the greatest milestones in the history of world archeology is, without a doubt, the discovery in 1987 of the tomb of the Lord of Sipán. We are talking about an unprecedented event in the American continent, similar to that of Tutankhamun in Egypt, which caused a great uproar throughout the world. Its relevance lies in the fact that it was one of the most important and revered ancient rulers -reaching the category of demigod- of the pre-Inca era.
When the Peruvian archaeologist Walter Alva and his research team found the funerary remains, after obtaining a series of clues about the location of an important mausoleum in the town of Sipán, in the Lambayeque region, they never thought they would find relics whose wealth cultural and monetary would mark the history of Peru.
On this tour, he discovers the secrets of the Lord of Sipán and learns more about what this transcendental archaeological discovery meant for Peru and also for the world.
After the discovery, it was revealed that the life of the Lord of Sipan took place around the year 250 AD. C. and that he was the highest hierarch of the Moche culture, living approximately until he was forty years old. This civilization, which had its heyday during the 1st and 7th centuries, is one of the most important that was established on the north coast of Peru.
They stood out mainly for their ceramics whose great beauty and aesthetics are the best proof of the worldview of this culture. Men and women, deities, mythological beings, animals, plants, as well as scenes of ceremonies and wars were represented in sculptures and all kinds of ornaments. Many of them have been found in their cemeteries.
If you want to see the intact tomb of the Lord of Sipán, ruler of the 7th century AD. buried with an impressive set of ornaments, emblems and costumes, you can visit the Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum, in Lambayeque.
To do so, all you have to do is purchase your ticket at the ticket office of the same museum, respect the biosecurity measures and present the vaccination card against COVID-19.
The architectural design of the Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum is inspired by the truncated pyramids of the Mochica culture. There, you will be able to appreciate the main emblems of rank and command of the Lord of Sipán, among which his scepter stands out, an inverted gold pyramid with images that symbolize his military power, as the highest authority of his time.
With a double mask or a KN95 and carrying your vaccination card, go to the museum, located at Av. Juan Pablo Vizcardo y Guzmán Nº 895 – Lambayeque, and purchase your tickets at its ticket office, according to the following rates:
Present your ticket and, if you are carrying bags, backpacks or packages, leave them in the left-luggage area. Immediately, enter the exhibition rooms and safely enjoy the history of the Mochicas of Sipán.
Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the Inca Trail Tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Perú, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views.