Although indisputably a very fine hike, THE INCA TRAIL is just one of a multitude of paths across remote areas in the andes the Cusco.What it does offer, though, and what makes it so popular, is a fabulous treasure of Machu Picchu.
It's important to choose your season for hiking the Inca Trail. Between june and september it's usually a pretty cosmpolitan stretch of mountainside, with gringos from all over the globe converging on "Machu Picchu" the hard way. From October thorough till April, in the rainy season, it's much less crowded and there's a more abundant fresh water supply, but of course it can get very wet that leaves May as the best month, with everything exceptionally verdant and vital after the downpours and fine weather to add a touch of springtime. According to local tradition, and it seems to work, around full moon is the perfect time to hike the Inca Trail.