Las Aldas is the other archaeological site in the province of Casma, better studied together with Sechín (Rosa Fung, Japanese Expedition, Terence Grieder and others).
It occupies a large area, where buildings built with stones and mud mortar were erected, taking advantage of a rocky elevation and a desert pampa, which preserves valuable testimonies corresponding to various periods of national archeology.
To the southeast of the site, it is easy to discover the stone quarry, but the mystery to be solved is how they were supplied with water for consumption and the colossal construction, because it was inhabited for many centuries.
The complex demonstrates the creative force and enterprising spirit of the Andean man, who in a desert place and at the foot of the sea, built such an important ceremonial center, surrounded by several nearby villages that were its sustenance, based on the use of the marine resources and exchange with farmers in the Casma basin, as well as in other neighboring valleys, in order to adequately feed its population, since apart from the large amount of marine debris there is evidence of plant remains, fabrics, ceramics, etc.
Las Aldas was occupied 5,000 years ago until the Chimú era, that is, it is a center prior to Chavín and one of the most interesting in American Archaeology.
The Las Aldas Archaeological Complex is located within the Casma district, in the province of the same name, in the Ancash region. Approximately at kilometer 345 of the North Pan-American Highway, on the top of a hill from where you can have better surveillance control of the bay. It is an architectural complex that would date back to 1600 BC, and that would have been studied by the Japanese archaeologist Rosa Fung in the company of Terence Grieder and colleagues. It is also believed that at least three periods of construction can be observed in the complex, the youngest being that of the temple.
The strategic location on the hill could suggest, in addition to an explanation of surveillance, that this complex had been destined for the celebration of religious ceremonies.
The most striking part of the complex is occupied by a building made up of a central structure and two lateral ones made up of platforms with staggered shapes that ascend until they reach the top of the hill on which they are located. In addition to this, there is a central staircase that reaches the temple located at the top of the hill, a construction that is currently partially deteriorated. The building is made of mud-based masonry grid supported by bags filled with reeds to contain the stones from the hill.
In addition to the previous construction, it can also be seen in the Aldas Complex, the presence of public squares, of which the one closest to the Main Building has an oval-shaped well, similar pits can also be found within the lateral areas of the first building. . At the same time, it is remarkable the presence of pyramids that seem to belong to the same culture that made the other buildings and that give a total of 17. Accompanying the entire complex, it is common to see in the area surrounding it, the presence of various houses made of stones and that had a residential purpose.
The most important building of the site is made up of a central body and two lateral ones, made up of staggered platforms that rise from below to the modified summit of the hill, oriented from South to Northeast; meanwhile, a central staircase solves the unevenness to reach the temple in the highest part and today almost destroyed.
From that point a cliff projects towards the edge of the beach; but the panoramic view of the sea, surprised by its immensity and natural strength, produces a feeling of intimate joy and surprise, which allows us to understand the close link between the monument and the sea and nature, since the intention is to take man to the top, to contemplate the spectacle of the impetuous sea and its surroundings.
It is at Km. 345 of the North Pan-American highway and on the seashore, very close to it is the Tourist Camp ´´Las Aldas´´ and the La Gramita fishermen´s cove.
It is surprising to observe the constructions left by the men who inhabited this place, even greater when one takes into account that the sources of fresh water are approximately 16 kilometers from the construction, which still leaves open the investigation of how they were supplied with it. . Along with this, it is also important to mention that despite the fact that the construction corresponds to a pre-ceramic era, the Japanese excursion in the area came to discover remains of ceramic fragments from the place, although these rather owed their cause to some type of exchange. future of the inhabitants of the area.
In order to reach the Las Aldas Archaeological Complex, the visitor must make a 15-kilometer trip starting from the city of Casma, a trip in which they will spend an average of 30 minutes, access being free of charge. For those who want to stay in the area and better explore the place, it is possible to find the “Las Aldas” Tourist Camp near the place. Reaching the top will allow the visitor to relive the path that men of 14,000 years ago made and to be able to contemplate the beautiful view and marine spectacle of its beaches.
Through a Vice-ministerial Resolution published in the Official Gazette "El Peruano", the "Las Aldas" Archaeological Complex has been declared a "Pre-Hispanic Archaeological Monument" and elevated its denomination to Cultural Patrimony of the Nation. The historic site is located in Casma and days ago the enhancement work began.
The official denomination that promotes it in category is made based on the existence of monumental architecture, multiple function areas, its monumentality and the singularity that the place possesses.