Salkantay is located in the Mollepata district, providence of Anta, in the region of Cusco. The name Salkantay or Salcantay means Wild Mountain. People call him APU, Sir and Tutelary God. The Quechua culture considered certain mountains and glaciers as places inhabited by the Apu, recognizing the mountains as sacred. The beautiful and lonely Vilcabamba mountain range it is dominated by the Apu Salkantay It’s placed at 90 km away from Cusco Tow. It is located in the beautiful town of Mollepata at 6,200 MAMSL and its summit shows two peaks. The geography is difficult and capricious in the whole outline of this attraction.
The Salkantay is surrounded by deep valleys and ravines, which makes it an interesting trek but exhausting at the same time. Many mountain climbers from all over the world visited it! Some of them have made it to the top but some others had to retire on the halfway of the ascent. If you want to finish the trek successfully, you should follow these 10 tips we have for you.
Remember that Cusco town is located at 3399 MAMSL! The symptoms of altitude sickness are: headache, dizziness, fatigue, breathing difficulties, loss of appetite, nausea, sleep disorders and a general feeling of discomfort. Be cautious if you have never been in high altitude before.
We recommend you spend 2 or 3 days in Cusco before the trek starts.
Depending on the road you choose, the trek could last 2 or 4 days, so every gram counts. Bring only the strictly necessary and make sure that the backpack you take is the appropriate one for trekking because as you're moving, everything becomes heavier.
It’s recommendable to take trekking shoes with good grip or mountain shoes for the Inca Trail and similar treks. It’s not convenient to bring new footwear because these will cause you blisters. It’s also advisable to take a pair of sandals to rest your feet at night.
The trek mainly is going to be on rural places on the first three days until you get to “La playa” so you need to bring food for those days like instant soups, etc. However, it’s not that important because as we said early, there are going to be little stores where you can buy food or you can also enjoy the food that the locals prepare.
Sunglasses and sunscreen: You need a sunscreen of high altitude protection.
Insect repellent: At the end of the second day you arrive to a tropical climate and the insects are going to be really annoying.
First-Aid kit: As a trekker you need to bring a first-aid kit that includes band aids, disinfectant and basic medicines. The high altitude sickness medicine is highly recommended. Remember there are no cell phones, no park rangers, no rescue helicopters and no hospitals.
If you have a good physical condition you shouldn’t have any problems with the trek. If you’re not in a good physical condition walking before the trek could help.
Some people like the walking stick and some people don’t. Although they’re not really important, the walking stick can give you a great advantage during the practice of this activity. It can help with balance when going downhill and to rest when walking uphill.
It’s not a race. Most of the tours have adequate time to take things slowly along the way. We also think it’s more enjoyable to stop and rest frequently to admire the sights.
Is essential to hydrate with frequency during the trek and it’s something we shouldn’t forget. Bring water, it’s difficult to find water during the trek. Bring your own bottle of water and try to drink all the water you can.
Bring a camera, take as much pictures as you can to remember this beautiful experience and enjoy the landscapes, enjoy the tour, just enjoy.
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