Manu Amazon Tour | Manu Tours Peru
Salkantay Trek Machu
Sustainable Tourism Operator
+51 912 891560

Manu Amazon Tour

Manu Amazon Tour

Paradise is blessed with the greatest biodiversity in the world, inhabited by native communities that still keep alive their ancestral traditions and live in harmony with nature. This fascinating destination is surrounded by beautiful landscapes and exotic animals in the Peruvian Amazon. Becoming an ideal place for those who love nature and like experiential tourism.

The Manu National Park, a World Heritage Site, is one of the areas with the greatest biodiversity on the planet. It is located in the departments of Cusco (province of Paucartambo, district of Kosñipata) and Madre de Dios (province of Manu, districts of Fitzcarrald and Manu), covering the whole of the Manu River basin. Located in the south of Peru, in the eastern sector of the Andes mountain range and the western edge of the Amazon basin, it is the only park in Latin America that includes the entire range of environments between the rainforest and the frigid Punas, above 4,000 m.a.s.l

The Park was created on May 29, 1973, has an area of ​​1,716,295.22 hectares and is one of the best destinations for nature tourism. The Amazon plain's exuberance stands out in the Manu River's lower basin. There are up to five recommended areas for tourist visits, with a high diversity of flora and fauna: Salvador, Otorongo, Juárez, Pakitza and Limonal. All navigable circuits in the lakes or oxbow lakes, where you can see the river wolves and the black lizard. Manu is also home to several small communities of Machiguengas indigenous communities. The park is divided into three zones: the "core zone", which covers 80% of the park and is accessible to scientists and researchers, and the "reserved zone", which covers 10% of the park and is open to a number. Limited tourist groups, and the "cultural zone" covers the last 10% of the park and is open to the public. Because the park includes several ecological zones ranging from 150 to 4,200 meters (490 to 13,780 feet) above sea level, it has one of the highest levels of biodiversity that any park in the world.

Manu has more than 15,000 species of plants and more than 1,000 species of birds. It is also home to a host of other kinds of wild animals 14 species of monkeys, 210 species of fish and more than 1,300 species of butterflies. This biodiversity attracts scientists and visitors from all over the world. Don't miss the opportunity to get to know this natural paradise, and accompany us during the adventure.

Before you go

Manu Tour Itinerary: 

Day 1: Cusco to Wayquecha Biological Station. 

Day 2: Wayquecha Biological Station to Cloud Forest Lodge 

Day 3: Cloud Forest Lodge to Amazonia Lodge. 

Day 4: Amazonia Lodge – Manu Learning Centre 

Day 5: Manu Learning Centre. 

Day 6: Manu Learning Center – Tambo Blanquillo Lodge. 

Day 7: Tambo Blanquillo Lodge – Macaw Clay Lick - Camungo oxbow Lake and Observation Tower. 

Day 8: Tambo Blanquillo Lodge – Blanco oxbow Lake – Mammals Clay Lick 

Day 9: Departure Day



Peruvian Jungle, specifically Manu National park has a great diversity of animal species; more than 800 species of birds such as the harpy eagle, the jabiru, the jungle goose, the cock of the rocks and the pink spatula; 200 species of mammals such as the common woolly monkey, the black maquisapa, the river wolf, the jaguar, the tigrillo, the spectacled bear and the taruca; and more than 100 species of bats. You can also see trees with more than 45 meters high and 3 meters in diameter. The most characteristic species are the cetic, the topa, the cedar, the screw, the white lupuna and the mata palo. Currently, 30 Quechua-speaking peasant communities live in the Manu National Park, as well as numerous Amazonian native populations such as the Matsiguenka, Amahuaca, Yaminahua, Piro, Amarakaeri, Huashipaire and Nahua.

Flora and Fauna:

The scientific interest that the Manu awakens is based on the great diversity of species of flora and fauna that is one of the largest in the world and that remains almost unchanged in millions of years of natural evolution. The biggest research point of the park is the biological station of Cocha Cashu, which has the best ecological database of the entire South American tropics; that station was built in 1969 by professors and students of the National Agrarian University La Molina in agreement with Zoological Society of Frankfurt. There are many studies that have been carried out in the station that receives annually between 20 and 30 scientists from all over the world; However, the work done is little in comparison to the possibilities offered by the Park.Now we will emntion some of the most representative species of flora and fauna:

Among the main flora species of Park are: 


  • Cetico (Cecropia spp.), renaco (Ficus paraensis), oje (Ficus insipida); Queuña (Polylepis incana); shihuahuaco (Dipterix alata); ipururo (Alchornes sp.); cedar (Cedrela odorata), requia (Guarea macrophylla), Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), uchumullaca (Trichilia septentrionalis); lupuna (Ceiba pentandra), sapote (Quararibea cordata); yumanaza (Muntingia calabura), cocoa (Theobroma cacao); capirona (Callycophyllum spruceanum); booby bird (Tessaria integrifolia); Caspi Lizard (Calophyllum brasiliense); etc.  


  • Gramineas such as the carricillo (Chusquea sp.), Cañabrava (Gynerium sagittatum), ichu (Stipa ichu); palmaceas as the huicungo (Astrocaryum murumuru), pijuayo (Bactris gassipaes), pona (Iriartea ventricosa), ungurave (Jessenia bataua), aguaje (Mauritia vinifera), shapaja (Scheelea weberbaueri); musaceas such as platanillo (Heliconia spp.); etc

Among the main fauna species of the Park are:


  • Some primates like: musmuqui or nocturnal monkey (Aotus nigriceps), tocon (Callicebus moloch), cotomono or howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus), white machin (Cebus albifrons), friar (Saimiri sciureus), choro (Lagothrix lagotricha); leoncito (Cebuela pygmaea), pichico (Saguinus fuscicollis), Emperor pichico (Saguinus imperator), maquisapa or black spider monkey (Ateles paniscus). Hormigueros as serafin (Cyclopes dydactilus), Tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla), anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla); lazy like the three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus), two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni); armadillos like the carachupa (Dasypus novemcinctus) arachupa maman (Priodontes maximus); foxes like the pericote (Philander opossum), muca (Micoureus cinereus), raposa (Marmosops noctivagus); a leporidaceum that is the rabbit (Sylvilagus brasiliensis); rodents such as the red squirrel (Sciurus spadiceus); porcupine (Coendu bicolor); ronsoco (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris); majaz or picuro (Agouti paca), añuje (Dasyprocta variegata), Minor añuje (Myoprocta pratti); pacarana or machatero (Dinomys branickii); vizcacha (Lagidium peruanum); coati (Nasua nasua), chosna (Potos flavus); Mustelids like the ferret or river lobito (Eira barbara), Otter (Lutra incarum), river wolf (Pteronura brasiliensis); felines like the tigrillo (Felis pardalis), Puma (Felis concolor), yaguarundi (Felis yagouaroundi), jaguar or otorongo (Panthera onca). tapir (Tapirus terrestris); sajino (Tayassu tajacu), huangana (Tayassu pecari); cervidae like the red deer (Mazama americana), crested deer (Mazama gouazoubira), taruca (Hippocamelus antisensis); etc. 


  • Small Panguana (Crypturellus undulatus), pisacca (Nothoprocta ornata), large partridge (Tinamus major); sharara or duck snake (Anhinga anhinga); Great white heron (Casmerodius alba), heron tumuy-tumuy (Phiherodias pileatus), pumagarza (Tigrisoma lineatum); machaco (Mycteria americana), jabiru (Jabiru mycteria); pink spatula (Ajaia ajaia); camungo (Anhima cornuta); ganzo jungle or ganzo del orinoco (Neochen jubata), Creole duck (Cairina moschata); jungle condor (Sarcoramphus papa), black-headed gallinazo (Coragyps atratus); Hawksbill (Buteo magnirostris), harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja), royal eagle (Spizaetus ornatus), crested eagle (Morphnus guianensis); black chiguango or caracara negra (Daptrius ater), falcon of bat (Falco rufigularis); pukakunga (Penelope jacquacu), paujil (Crax mitu); shansho (Opisthocomus hoatzin); trumpeter (Psophia leucoptera); tuqui-tuqui (Jacana jacana); large-beaked gaviotin (Phaetusa simplex), Gaviotin yellow beak (Sterna superciliaris); skimmer (Rynchops nigra); blue-yellow macaw (Ara ararauna), guacamayo flag (Ara macao), maracano (Ara severa), pihuicho (Brotogeris sanctithomae), chunkuchui (Pionus menstruus), yellow front aurora (Amazona achrocephala); crested owl (Lophostrix cristata); large fisherman martin (Chloroceryle amazona); Lineated carpenter (Dryocopus lineatus); tucan or pinsha (Ramphastos cuvieri); cardinal (Paroaria gularis); paucar chico (Cacicus cela); cock of the rocks (Rupicola peruviana), etc. 


  • Taricaya (Podocnemis unifilis); motelo (Geochelone denticulata); white lizard (Caiman crocodylus), black lizard (Melanosuchus niger); yellow boa (Boa constrictor); jergon (Bothrops atrox), shushupe (Lachesis muta); etc. 


  • Raya (Potamotrygon hystrix); Anguilla (Electrophorus electricus); carachama (Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus); catfish (Sorubin spp.), zungaro (Pseudoprimelodus spp.); boquichico (Prochilodus magdalenae), piranha (Serrasalmus spp.); etc.

Climates - Seasons 

In this area only two seasons are known, drought and rain, with sudden friajes throughout the year. The magnitude of the reserve is located within the dividing line of the waters of the Manu River of 250 kilometers long, one of the rivers that flow from the Andes and join to form the powerful Amazon River. Most of the lower areas of the park (400 meters above sea level) receive approximately two cubic meters of rain annually, twice as much as in New York City. A lot of this rain falls during the months of October or November and April or May. The months of drought are from June to September. During the day the average temperature in the low areas is 35 ° C, during the night the average temperature is 25 ° C. However, throughout the year,cold season coming from the South cause heavy rains that can last one or two days with a maximum temperature of 18 ° C in the day and minimum of 10 ° C at night. In Manu the climate is very variable, which means that during the dry season it can rain at any time and precautions must be taken. 
  • High season: May - December 
  • Low season: January - March

Access roads 

There are two access routes to the Reserved Zone of the Manu National Park
  • It leaves the City of Cusco, in a trip of 12 hours approx. by land and then 6 hours approx. navigating the Alto Madre de Dios and Manu rivers. 
  • From Cusco on a flight (small plane) of 30 minutes to the town of Boca Manu and then 4 hours approx. of navigation on the Manu river. 
Due to its inaccessibility and high cost, the minimum duration of the excursions to the Manu is four days, but we recommend making the seven-day or nine - day excursion. The visit to the National Park is allowed only in the adjacent ones or the called " Reserve Zone" and "Cultural Zone", which have the same attractions and with hostels for tourists.

Cultural Zone 

The Cultural Zone is one of the three zones of the Manu National Park that covers high mountains, cloud forests and low jungle. In this area we find some villages, settlements and native communities working in activities of collection, agriculture and logging on a smaller scale controlled directly by the Ministry of Agriculture and the authorities. One of the purposes of this area is to act as a buffer zone to the Reserved and Intangible Zones. 
  • Cloudy forest: Crossing the South Eastern Andes, travelers usually encounter a layer of clouds that marks the beginning of the Cloud Forest. This mysterious and spectral world home of species such as the Cock of the Rocks, the Bear of eyeglasses, fern trees, bromeliads and orchids in a range of heights of 3,500 m.a.s.l up to 1,500, being the least studied and cataloged area, this area contains at least 50% of endemic plants, plants that are not found anywhere else in the world. Dense haze and frequent rains (around 6 meters per year) sustain the continuity of a dense evergreen forest in a process called "dew", when the leaves cause condensation due to moisture from the perpetual layer of clouds, which is why the The surface of the plants are always wet, dropping the drops on the ground. The perpetual humidity of the Cloud Forest makes it an ideal environment for epiphytes, plants that live on other plants taking nutrients from their surroundings, not the soils. The earth accumulated in the branches causes mosses and lichens to begin their colonization process that later triggers the growth of ferns, bromeliads and orchids.

Reserved Zone

This area, located on both sides of the Manu River, covers a vast expanse of primary forest that is dedicated to only two activities: tourism and research. Being the river the only way to access this area is relatively easy to have control and protection to unauthorized persons to enter. Scientists consider this area as a laboratory for the mega diversity of flora and fauna. 
  • Manu River: The warm, chocolate-colored waters of the Manu River that starts in the eastern chain of the Andes by the Paso de Fizcarald and ends in Boca Manu when it joins the Alto Madre de Dios River forming one of the most important Hydrographic points of the Jungle South- East of Peru, the Rio Madre de Dios. One of the most important characteristics of this river are its meanders or lagoons formed by the deviation of the river with the passage of time. 
  • Lakes: These are formed by remnants of the river course. When the river by effects of erosion and constant changes are opened by different channels are isolated waters. Along the Manu River you can find several oxbow lakes, two of them frequently visited by us: Salvador being the longest and Otorngo; these lakes offer a spectacular view of the forest. These lakes and the surrounding forest are home to interesting animals such as alligators, avifauna, anacondas, monkeys and giant otters that are in the process of extinction. 
  • Giant Otters: These animals (Pteronura brasilensis) occupy the highest position in the food pyramid of Manu. An aquatic mammal that can measure up to 1.8 meters and weigh more than 32 kilograms. Otters are extremely social animals, they live in family groups that usually hunt in groups using their whiskers to detect fish in the dark waters of the oxbow lakes. An adult can eat up to 4 kilos of fish per day. The giant otters were hunted practically to the point of extermination during the last decades, reason for which they are a species in ways of extinction leaving only a few individuals in the world. Fortunately, the lakes of the Manu River  in the Reserve Zone of the Park there are a large number of them. The giant otters are very territorial animals, so there are high chances to see them in the oxbow lakes of Salvador and Otorongo. If a group is found, then extreme care should be taken not to make watchful movements or noise that frightens them. They are very curious animals that will surely approach the catamaran some 30 or 40 meters away but it is completely forbidden to follow them, much less pursue them since they are also very nervous especially when they have a new member in the family. 
  • Roads: There is a system of roads around Lake Salvador, which allows us to make night walks, and these are usually combined with the use of the catamaran in the lake. Crossing the Manu river and along another path that leads to Lake Otorongo where there is a observation tower. One of the special characteristics of these roads is the observation of giant trees.

Intangible zone 

It is the largest part of the Manu National Park, covering an area of ​​1'800, 000 hectares of primary forests. This intangible zone is one of the largest protected areas in the world and is rich in Flora and Fauna. In this area tourism is not allowed in any aspect is only allowed entry for scientific and biological purposes, as is the case of the biological station of Cocha Cashu, which in the last 25 years, Peruvian and foreign scientists have conducted an investigation in the flora and fauna project. There are many ethnic groups such as the Matshiguenkas / Kugapacoris, Yoras / Yaminahuas, Mashco Piros, Amahuacas and others, some of these groups still have no contact with the outside world. 
  • Collpa Macaws: It is located in the reserved area and near the town of Boca Manu the collpa of the macaws, where you can see one of the most spectacular natural phenomena of the Amazon. Very early and at sunrise in the morning we will begin to cross the banks of the river and then arrive at a clay wall (Collpa), where hundreds of parrots and macaws belonging to ten or more species arrive and alight in the nearby trees to then go down to the Collpa They arrive in discrete pairs or in large groups depending on the species.

Suggested pages:


DAY 1:Cusco to Wayquecha Biological Station.

The Kosñipata valley is considered one of the corners with the greatest biodiversity on the planet. In this place is the Wayqecha Cloud Forest Biological Station, a space that was originally intended only for scientific research but that was eventually opened to the public. The infrastructure is impeccable and the trails are well signposted. On this first day we will leave Cusco for the route to Paucartambo and then we ascend to the Acjanaco pass, the highest point. From there, it's 20 minutes downhill on a stated trail. 

  • Location: Cusco 
  • Altitude: 2,300 - 3,500 meters above sea level 
  • Environment: Cloudy forest 
  • Suggested stay: 2 days 
  • Suggested clothing: Coat, raincoat, hat, lightweight and long clothing, boots
  • Ideal season: May to October


DAY 2: Wayquecha Biological Station - Cock of the Rock Lodge

Today we will have the opportunity to see some tough of birds like Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Blue-banded Toucanet, the hummingbirds may include Gould´s Inca, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, Tyrian Metaltail and Rufous-capped Thornbill. Sorting through mixed flocks, we hope to find Montane Woodcreeper, Marcapata Spinetail, Pearled Treerunner, Streaked Tuftedcheek, White-throated and White-banded Tyrannulets, Handsome and Inca Flycatchers, Barred Becard, Mountain Wren, Spectacled Redstart, Citrine and Pale-legged Warblers, Capped Conebill, Blue-and-black, Golden-collared, Blue-capped, Rust-and-yellow and Grass-green Tanagers, Hooded and chestnut-bellied Mountain-Tanagers, Yellow-whiskered Bush-Tanager, and Black-capped, Black-eared and Superciliaried Hemispinguses. Additional species we may find in this area include Andean Guan, Speckle-faced and Scaly-naped Parrots, Andean Pygmy-Owl, Azara´s Spinetail, Striped Treehunter, the endemic but hard to see Red-and-white Antpitta, Trilling Tapaculo, Barred and Band-tailed Fruiteaters, Red-crested Cotinga, Sierran Elaenia, Black-throated Tody-Tyrant, Olive and Pale-edged Flycatchers, Rufous-breasted and Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrants, Streak-throated Bush-Tyrant, White-winged Black-Tyrant, Blue-and-white and Pale-footed Swallows, White-collared Jay, Fulvous Wren, Glossy-black, Great and Chiguanco Thrushes, Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager and Mountain Cacique. Night in Cock of the rock.

Day 3: Cock of the Rock Lodge - Amazonia Lodge

This third day, we will go to Cock of the Rock Lodge, located just few minutes from the spectacular viewpoint of Cock of the Rock in the famous cloud forest of the Manu Mountains. Here we will have the opportunity to observe colorful birds and their traditional morning mating ritual.The Lodge offers us 12 spacious suite with hot and cold water, bathrooms and two single beds in each room, plus several rooms with shared facilities. The private bungalows have their own private balcony. Lighting is provided by candles and flashlight, but there is a small generator available to charge the batteries. There is a large dining room and living room overlooking a feeding station for Brown Capuchin Monkeys and Tayra.Also you will explore the Cloud Forest  and makes it easy to see some species that you probably do not see from the road, such as chestnut-headed wrens, scaled antpittas, rough-chested shorts. In addition, orchids abound with 80 species registered around the lodge. Today we left San Pedro and boarded a boat to Port River. Pay attention to the forest of the tropical zone, which surrounds us all the way, which has already disappeared in a large part of the Andes slopes in South America due to its suitability for commercial crops such as tea, coffee and coca, but in this part of Peru the forest remains intact. 


Day 4: Amazonia Lodge - Manu Learning Centre

This day we will leave Amazonia Lodge to direct us to Manu Learning Center (MLC) attracts a variety of parrots and macaws thanks to the spectacular red mineral or Collpa carved by the High Madre de Dios river. This Collpa is the only one of its kind in the area, and is visited daily by hundreds of millions of colors and noisy macaws, as well as potatoes and pigeons. It is one of the best places in the world to see the Macaw in danger of extinction. We are going to visit this clay tear at dawn; for after the show return for breakfast and take a look at the orchid garden. We continue our journey along the Madre de Dios River to its confluence with the Manu River. Finally we will pass and learn about native communities during the trip.

Day 5: Manu Learning Centre

The Manú Learning Centre (MLC) is located within the Fundo Mascoitania Reserve, a 643 hectare private nature reserve, encompassed within the cultural zone of the Manu Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the largest protected areas in Peru. It is home to a variety of rainforest types including lowland Andean, pre-montane, bamboo and high terrace forests. This geographical complexity creates habitats for a diversity of flora and fauna. The MLC is operated by the CREES group, a non-profit and business collaboration working towards sustainability for the Manú Region.The MLC serves local schools and communities as well as international researchers and volunteers. It has hosted workshops for the Organization for Tropical Studies, and on behalf of the Manú National Park Guards, as well as research projects from the University of Oxford, Aberdeen, and Glasgow University. The MLC has also worked alongside schools from the UK including Southbank International School and Tonbridge School.

Day 6: Manu Learning Center – Tambo Blanquillo Lodge.

This day we will wake up very early to take a boat trip through Madre de Dios River and Manu River. Arriving at the Boca Manu village, we will pass a native community called Diamante, here we will learn more about its culture called Piro and this is the largest settlement of Amerindians in the area. You will observe many parrots and macaws before we go an hour and a half more on the famous Madre de Dios River. During the trip along the river we will enjoy a packed lunch and we will start to observe some of the renowned wild animals of the area, including the sand-colored nightjars, the goose of the Orinoco and the capybaras, the largest rodent in the world. Finally we will enjoy a dinner freshly prepared by our resident chefs.

Day 7: Tambo Blanquillo Lodge – Macaw Clay Lick - Camungo Lake and Observation Tower

Two attractions that will make you want to visit Tambo Blanquillo Lodge:

  • Macaw Clay-lick: Tambo Blanquillo Lodge operates the largest and most active Macaw Clay-lick accesible for you in the Peruvian Amazon. Being only a 15 minute boat ride from the comfort of your private bungalow. More than 40 Red-and-green Macaws and several hundreds of Golden-crowned, Mealy and Blue-headed Parrots come to eat clay in order to neutralize the pH in their diet every morning. But not only birds visit this clay-lick,also you will find mammals like Jaguars, Capybaras and squirrels visiting the clay lick, to either hunt for prey (Jaguar) or just to get some minerals out of it.
  • Observation Tower: also you will enjoy the highest observation tower in the area. The Observation Tower near the Camungo Oxbow Lake, with over 150m, sits on top of a ceiba tree and allows visitors to have an incomparable view and unique experience of the forest’s canopy, a perspective rarely experienced by tourists. A whole set of birds, mammals, and other wildlife have the canopy as their ecological niche, meaning that the only way to see them, is going up there.


Day 8: Tambo Blanquillo Lodge – Blanco Lake – Mammals Clay Lick

Following a healthy breakfast, we will dedicate most of this day to visit the most important Oxbow Lake in the area, the Blanco Oxbow Lake. On the way  is not rare to see peccaries and other mammals walking in the riverbanks. It is common for visitors to delight themselves with great views of Jaguars resting and sunbathing in the early morning sun, after long nights of hunt. Once on the lake, we will paddle another of our catamarans and navigate through the water filled with Giant River Otters, Caimans and other top predators. Groups of monkeys are easily seen feeding on the fruiting trees. This lake is actually famous around the region for actually spotting more than 600 species of birds. After, we will head back to the lodge for a remarkable lunch and a very deep relaxing moment. After lunch, we will get to visit the Mammal Clay Lick, where we will have a chance of encountering many species of monkeys  like the spider monkey and of course various species of reptiles and invertebrates. At night we will have a very nice dinner and enjoy our last night at Tambo Blanquillo, under the staggering scenery of shining stars and the splendid moon.


Very early, we will leave the town of Colorado. This day you will have a delicious breakfast on the boat. Then we will disembark in the mining townof Colorado to begin your trip by land to Puerto Carlos, which lasts approximately 45 minutes and then cross the Inambari River to Santa Rosa, another 15 minutes before it finally takes you to the bus. Finally ,in Cusco, our staff and your guide  will assist you to your hotel where our adventures end.


  • Naturalist guide in English and Spanish 
  • Overnight in hostels and camping huts 
  • Guide book for Manu 
  • Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) 
  • Water and hot drinks or lemonade with meals  
  • Entrance to the reserved area
  • Overland transportation. 
  • Accommodations at the following lodges: 1 night at Wayquecha Biological Station, 1 night at Cock of the Rock Lodge, 1 night at Amazonia Lodge, 2 nights at Manu Learning Centre,  3 nights at Tambo Blanquillo Lodge
  • Transfer assistance to your hotel in Cusco on the last day.


  • Extra services and extra nights at lodge or alternative Hotels. 
  • Extra money for Souvenirs. 
  • Bar expenses
  • Tips.



  • Lightweight cotton pants and shirts with long sleeves. 
  • Bermuda shorts or thin shorts. 
  • T-shirt cotton polo shirts or short-sleeved shirts. 
  • Poncho or lightweight waterproof jacket. 
  • Swimwear. 
  • Footwear
  • Slippers or comfortable boots for walking. 
  • Rubber boots for walking in the rain. 


  • Cap with visor or hat with wide brim light. 
  • Sunglasses. 
  • Whistle (You will appreciate having it if you travel on your own and it is lost). 

First aid kit

  • Sunscreen. 
  • Mosquito repellent lotion or cream 
  • Liquid soap 
  • disinfectant 


  • Camera and / or camcorder with rechargeable battery (In the lodges you will only have electricity for a few hours that you should take advantage of to recharge batteries of your electronic equipment). 
  • Plug adapter. 
  • Personal flashlight
  • Binoculars are optional.



  • Avoid visiting the attraction in the rainy season (January - March). 
  •  It is advisable to have the yellow fever vaccine.



From $ 0.00
per person
Code MAT9
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